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Many children start swimming from a young age, but those who find it difficult to follow simple repetitive lessons and a predetermined curriculum often lose interest in swimming and eventually quit. Splash is a product designed to provide children with an experience of swimming in the imaginary world through Augmented Reality (AR) in the swimming pool, allowing them to enjoy swimming as a form of play.

Kids often start swimming excitedly but soon quit when the fun fades.

Many children start swimming at a young age, often initiated by their parents rather than their own choice. 
The repetitive and standardized nature of swimming lessons easily diminishes children's interest, leading them to perceive swimming as uninteresting. Moreover, negative perceptions formed during childhood about swimming can contribute to a persistent fear of swimming into adulthood.

Inspiring children to swim and nurturing their passion through AR and immersive imaginary worlds.

'Splash' encourages children to have fun and immerse themselves in the water. It transforms swimming from a repetitive exercise into an imaginative adventure, whether in the depths of the sea or outer space. The goal is to motivate children to continue swimming on their own.

Making children "splash" and dive into the water.

The brand identity of Splash revolves around utilizing Splash Blue and vibrant Yellow colors throughout the brand, emphasizing
a refreshing image. The brand incorporates bubble-shaped elements that are easily relatable for children, creating a fun and engaging experience in the water.

Pool-inspired design resembling goggles, creating anticipation and excitement for children.

Using the shape of goggles and a waterproof, soft material, it allows for comfortable swimming in the pool without any discomfort, enabling enjoyment of swimming effortlessly.

The front-facing camera lens recognizes how you are interacting in the underwater environment to construct the content experience.

If you have adjusted the volume using the side volume buttons, you can continue to stay immersed in the water
through bone conduction earphones protruding inside the goggles.

You can adjust the length of the splash goggles by pressing the buckle button located on the back.

Creating my imaginary swimming pool while wearing the Splash goggles.

To ensure a comfortable swimming experience without any discomfort, the swimming goggles are designed with a streamlined shape and made of a waterproof and soft material.

Onboarding: Preparation time for safe playing

Children encountering water for the first time often perceive the underwater environment as dark and threatening, potentially causing a fear of water. 'Splash' aims to alleviate this fear by using AR graphics to transform the swimming pool into a bright and enchanting space, 
diverging from the ordinary dark tiles and overall ambiance. 
Splash helps children prepare for swimming safely and immerses them in a mysterious and beautiful underwater world.

Empower individuals to freely enjoy swimming by perceiving the pool as an exploration space.

'Splash' utilizes AR for onboarding to recognize the swimming pool's location and display previous data in the space. Users can enjoy three modes. In Explorer mode, they can collect various new items within the pool. In Scuba mode, users can place collected items to create their own pool. Through Network mode, users can invite friends to explore the pool together.

Mode 1: explorer

Adventure to find new collectible item

Choosing Explorer mode transforms the swimming pool into an exploration space. 
Users can see items shaped like floating water droplets within the pool. They can reach out, interact with, and collect these items. 
This process encourages children to perceive the pool as a space for ongoing exploration and evolution.

Mode 2: skuba

Customize your pool with collected items

In Exploration mode, you can organize and decorate the collected items. 
The more time you spend in the swimming pool, the more the pool transforms into your own space through decorated items.

Mode 3: network

Invite friends to my decorated swimming pool

You can invite friends to your decorated swimming pool or visit their pools. Through screen integration, you can see the same virtual environment, wear different costumes like mermaids or dolphins, and enjoy swimming together. You can also create a fun swimming experience with friends by playing mini-games such as underwater hide-and-seek and racing.

Thank you

Seojin Byun (UX/VD) @byun_sj_1005
Yeojun Yun (ID/UX)



Many children start swimming early, but those who struggle with repetitive lessons and a predetermined curriculum often lose interest and quit ea Read More
